Except where noted, all events and meetings are open to the public. Some lectures and events will be offered via YouTube or ZOOM technology. Zoom meetings/presentations will require registration prior to start date. The Free Lance Star and MGACRA Facebook page will also be used to post/advertise all activities. All gardening, insect, plant disease, and horticultural related questions can be called into our VCE office: 540-658-8000. The office serves the four-county area and Fredericksburg. Additional resources are available at: ext.vt.edu where subjects of interest can be searched. ********************************************************************************************************** 2 August: Plant Clinic at CRRL Library. Main Lobby from 9 to Noon. 1201 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. 13 August: MGACRA Board Meeting via Zoom. Link will be emailed to members.
Time: 7 p.m.
19-20 August: Flower Show
Time: Tuesday August 19 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. bring your flower in a jar of water to the Theater Rm at the CRRL library where it will be categorized by Master Gardeners.
Time: Wednesday August 20: 9 to 11 a.m. is judging time (doors closed). 11 A.m. to 7 p.m. Doors open to public for viewing and awards will be presented. Bring a flower; bring a friend!
Central Regional Rappahannock Library, Theater Room, 1201 Caroline St., Fredericksburg.
This is Free and open to the Public. Come celebrate native pollinators with activities like making a firefly that will glow in the dark! Learn about different pollinators and how they pollinate flowers. Transplant a flower* that you can take home to your own garden. *Bring the flowers you grew from your plant to the upcoming Pollinator Flower Show August 19 and 20, 2025. Check back for updates.