Volunteers are needed at Widewater State Park in their native plant garden! Not only is this an attractive and sustainable native plant garden, but also a teaching tool to show visitors they too can have attractive landscaping without spending lots of money, time, and resources.
The main need is for weeders for now, but volunteering at Widewater is a "two-fer". Not only will you get MG hours, but those who register with the park as volunteers and record their hours can earn hours toward “rewards.” The biggest (lots of hours) are cabins/camping spaces that allow overnights (at this point, Widewater does not), pavilion rentals, kayak rentals, parking passes, etc. When someone comes to the park to work in the garden, the individual should contact the Administrative Officer, Gayle Powell and she will enroll them. Volunteers do not have to pay parking fees when they are working in the garden.
For Master Gardeners looking for a service project, here is a gold mine! Help with planting and upkeep of the native garden at Widewater State Park. For more details, contact: Beth Daly at [email protected] or Gayle Powell at [email protected] or 540-288-1400.
Native Garden plan created by Sherry Graham.
Some of the initial work days on the native garden at Widewater State Park.