There is a new project opportunity available to all, Tree Inventory! For this project, MGs will identify each tree that MGACRA has responsibility for using an App 'GIS' software downloaded to cell phone. Identified trees will be named and located using GPS software and information entered into City of Fredericksburg data base. Training to use the software will be provided by City of Fredericksburg Arborist, Bicknell Robbins. The other tools used are a rangefinder for measuring height and a diameter tape to measure the trees diameter. Both of these will be provided. Arborist will hold volunteer training multiple evenings to go over the survey process, and he will provide hands on training the first time MGs go out to do the survey. The main area where trees will be identified and mapped is at Cossey park. The trees will be entered into the City of Fredericksburg database and this knowledge will be shared with the community. If this is something that you would like to participate in, please email the City of Fredericksburg Arborist Bicknell Robbins at: [email protected] and Tina Will at: [email protected] to get your training times scheduled and to start identifying and mapping trees! Training with Bicknell can be scheduled Monday through Friday after 5 p.m. or anytime Saturday. When logging hours in Better Impact for this project, the title is "Tree Inventory".
School Garden Club
If you would be interested in helping a School Garden Club at Courthouse Elementary School in Spotsy, please email Krystal at [email protected]. About 18 kids and a teacher will be meeting Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:40 AM to 8:20 AM.
Rappahannock Adult Activities Center
The Rappahannock Adult Activities Center that supports individuals with disabilities would love some Master Gardeners to come out and help them with their annual plant sale to answer questions and have a table set up with information. To sign up to help, use the Sign Up Genius below. Sign Up Genius: